====== Participants ====== Michael, Kai, Daniel, Ömer ====== Minutes ====== * [16:08] Topic: Documentation of the Domain Model * [16:08] Michael started with the documentation * [16:08] http://wiki.bib.uni-mannheim.de/dc-provenance/doku.php?id=domain_model * [16:08] ACTION to all: Read carefully and extend until next week * [16:08] On Agenda next week: Documentation Review * [16:09] http://wiki.bib.uni-mannheim.de/dc-provenance/doku.php?id=use_cases * [16:09] Next topic: Use case examples * [16:31] A link about resources in OAI-PMH * [16:31] http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/test/guidelines-rightsv0.htm * [16:36] Action to Kai: Further refinement of PMH * [16:36] ... example * [16:37] Look ate RDFizer * [16:37] http://code.google.com/p/opmv/wiki/OPMVGuide * [16:59] Action to Daniel: Get a more complex with OPMV * [17:00] *a more complex example with OPMV * [17:02] Next week: ORE-Example by Ömer