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Diese Seite ist nur auf englisch verfügbar, die Inhalte sollen aber nach und nach auch in die normale Dokumentation aufgenommen werden.

Advanced Topics

Here you can find some additional information that might be interesting for you, but that are not yet included in the documentation.


For some of the data, especially the classification structures of the RVK, it makes sense to let our server infere some facts that are not originally loaded into the triple store. This includes the inference of skos:narrower relationships (we generated only skos:broader triples), but also the use of transitivity.

To use inference for the RVK data, you have to prepend your sparql query with the following command:

define input:inference "skosrules"

For example, to get the children of the class “ST”, use this query on out SPARQL Endpoint:

define input:inference "skosrules"
select distinct ?child where {<> skos:narrower ?child}
advanced_topics.txt · Last modified: 2010/08/09 16:54 by kai

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