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The URIs

To make data linkable, the described resources, as well as the vocabularies to describe them, have to be unique world-wide. To achieve this, they are denoted with so called Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs).

As the Mannheim University Library provides data by means of this service, that are not originally created by the library, but are not yet provided with a world-wide unique URI, we decided to assign URIs from the libraries namespace to them. Should the data be available with other URIs later on, it is easy to provide a link between the different URIs.

Currently, we assign the following URIs:

URI Description<PPN> Bibliograhic data of the Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund (SWB), <PPN> is the internal identifier of the SWB.<PPN> Bibliographic data of the Hessisches Bibliotheksinformationssystem (HeBIS), <PPN> is the internal identifier of HeBIS.<NOTATION> Classifications of the Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK). <NOTATION> is the RVK notation, the space is replaced by a _ (e.g. FB_1575).

Remark: The URIs are used to unambiguously identify the records. Additional data is currently only provided for SWB URIs, that belong to the inventory of the Mannheim University Library.

The description of the resources

To provide linked data, firstly, the data is filtered and processed. Empty fields are filled or complemented by corresponding field in a superordinate record, if available. To describe the data, we use elements from different vocabularies: Dublin Core (Prefix dc:), the preliminary version of ISBD (Prefix isbd:), our own vocabulary (Prefix ubma:) and RDF Schema (Prefix rdfs:).

The following data is represented in RDF:

URI Label Description Remark
dc:title Title Name of the Ressource Main title plus additional title
dc:creator Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource. Authors in the format “Lastname, Firstname” or name of a corporate body.
dc:contributor Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. Further contributors, like editors, in the format “Lastname, Firstname” or name of a corporate body.
dc:date Date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource. Year of publication
dc:publisher Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available. Publisher
isbd:1008 has edition statement Relates a Resource to a word or phrase, or a group of characters, indicating that the resource belongs to an edition. Information about the edition.
dc:identifier Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context. ISBN as URI: uri:ISBN:<ISBN>
dc:language Language A language of the resource. Language, format ISO 639-2 (B)
dc:subject Subject The topic of the resource. Subject headings of SWD with DNB URI, Classifications of RVK with URI of the Mannheim University Library (see above).
rdfs:seeAlso See also Further information Links to other linked data services, currently to the Book Mashup Service of the FU Berlin.
ubma:equalsForClassification Other edition Other edition, based on an automatic approach This is the result of a project of the library, that can be reused by means of this service.

Currently, we have loaded about 1.4 million title records from the library catalog of the Mannheim University Library.

One of our goals regarding linked data is the provision of project results for easy reuse.

An example for such a project is the aggregation of titles, also across the borders of different catalogs, which can be considered as equal regarding their classification. That means especially the different editions of the titles. Currently, we created about 8 million of such pairs and provide them via the property ubma:equalsForClassification.

dokumentation_en.1281364768.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/08/09 16:39 by kai

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