Face-2-Face Meetiing and Workshop in Pittsburgh
The workshop belongs to the Dublin Core conference in Pittsburgh. It will take place on Wednesday, October 20th, 1:30 PM (Time changed!!!) in Break-out room #4, Hilton Hotel, Pittsburgh.
Preliminary Agenda
Metadata Provenance Task Group Workshop / DC-2010
First session
Short presentations
- on goals and motivation of DC-Provenance Task Group (10 Min)
- separation of data and content
- of current work done by the W3C Provenance Incubator Group (15 Min)
- user requirements for news aggregator scenario
- gap analysis, and possibilities for DCMI to contribute
- past work at DCMI (10 min)
- ACore / Administrative Components Metadata (http://dublincore.org/usage/meetings/2009/10/seoul/2009-10-16.AdminMetadata.ppt)
- DCMIs role and relevance in addressing problems of (metadata) provenance (45 min)
- Preliminary definition of metadata provenance in the Dublin Core context
- Initial presentation of some typical metadata provenance scenarios (?)
- Short discussion about why people are there and what they are interested in, to feed breakout sessions (5 min)
- Rationale for and expected outcome of breakout sessions
Second session
Breakout sessions around areas of interests
- Workshop organizers should try steer discussions towards common problems that might result in to crystallization of use cases (45 min)
- Reporting back discussions to combined group; identify use cases that might form the basis of user requirements for application profile (45 min)
- Basis for work plan of Task Group
f2f_pittsburgh.txt · Last modified: 2010/11/03 10:06 by kai