Michael, Kai, Daniel, Ömer
- [17:09] <@kaiec> Topic: ORE Example (Ömer)
- [17:09] <@kaiec> http://wiki.bib.uni-mannheim.de/dc-provenance/doku.php?id=use_cases
- [17:09] <@kaiec> ORE is resource centric in contrast to PMH
- [17:10] <@kaiec> ORE is somewhat fuzzy for us, as it is not clear where the line between metadata and metametadata is
- [17:11] <@kaiec> The example is used to illustrate further details
- [17:14] <@kaiec> The example first describes an article which is an aggregation of an abstract, postscript and pdf
- [17:15] <@kaiec> Title and Creator is given for the article
- [17:23] <michaelp2> http://www.openarchives.org/ore/1.0/datamodel#Resource_Map
- [17:30] <@kaiec> ResourceMap has to be something like a graph in RDF
- [17:32] <@kaiec> In plain RDF it is something empty, because statements about the aggregation are assigned to the aggregation
- [17:32] <@kaiec> But it can be used for provenance statements
- [17:32] <@kaiec> ResourceMap can be seen like DCAM description set
- [17:41] <@kaiec> Regarding named graphs and self reference: E.g. http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/SWTSGuide/carroll-ISWC2004.pdf p. 8
- [17:51] <@kaiec> ACTION: Michael adds further examples and graphs to the ORE use case
- [17:51] <@kaiec> ACTION: Ömer cleans it up and extends it to the next week
- [17:52] <@kaiec> Next topic: Bachelor thesis
- [17:55] <@kaiec> Proposed title: Crosswalks towards the First evaluations of the preliminray DCMI Metadata Provenance Model.
- [18:04] <@kaiec> The group agrees with the bachelor thesis topic
- [18:04] <@kaiec> ACTION: Further rework of the documentation on the domain model.
minutes_2011_02_16.txt · Last modified: 2011/02/16 17:42 by kai