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Welcome to the DCMI Metadata Provenance Task Group Wiki

Metadata Provenance Workshop at DCMI 2011

We organize a workshop on the DC-2011 conference. At this workshop, we will present the results of our work. We plan to close the task group shortly after the conference, so this workshop is the best oportunity to discuss open questions, give us feedback and help to decide on the concluding steps.

Time and Location: Friday, 23 September 2011, 14:00 - 17:30, Room B/C

Here is the link to the official description, a detailed agenda is created here: Agenda

Mission and charter

A new DCMI Task Group has been established on the issue of Metadata Provenance. The group aims to define an application profile that allows for making assertions about description statements or description sets, creating a shared model of the data elements required to describe an aggregation of metadata statements in order to collectively import, access, use and publish facts about the quality, rights, timeliness, data source type, trust situation, etc. of the described statements. The Task Group is led by Kai Eckert of the University of Mannheim and Michael Panzer of OCLC who have become members of the DCMI Advisory Board. See the charter for more information.

Plans and Timeline

See the timeline of expected activities. The major expected results are:

  • Overview of vocabulary elements and terms concerned with metadata provenance from across several vocabularies
  • Functional requirements for producing and accessing information about metadata provenance
  • Usage guidelines on how to apply the application profile under specific circumstances, e.g., in the context of RDF or Linked Data
Working definition and basic understanding of "provenance" in the context of metadata
Meetings and Discussions
Working Drafts
dc-provenance.txt · Last modified: 2011/09/11 11:18 by kai

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